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The Fulbright Student Competition for the 2018-2019 Academic Year Is Now Open

Application for the Fulbright Student Program in the United States (Visiting Student Researchers and Master’s Degree)

Please read all instructions and information carefully before completing.  

Application Deadline:  MAY 31, 2017 

This is a joint program of the U.S. Department of State and the Government of Macedonia.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Completed university degree (undergraduate), or enrollment in postgraduate studies
  • Proficiency in English sufficient to undertake graduate study or research in the United States
  • Citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia 


  • Application should be completed in English and submitted online at https://apply.embark.com/student/fulbright/international/20/.  
  • Each page of the application carries its own instructions, which should be read carefully before proceeding.
  • Every question must be answered completely and carefully. Please make every effort to limit your responses to the space provided.
  • Completed applications should be submitted by May 31, 2017.  
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.  

Standardized Tests
You will be required to take the TOEFL exam if you are selected for an interview at the U.S. Embassy. You should not apply for the TOEFL exam at this phase of your application. You will receive instructions on how to register for the exam after the interview.

In addition, degree-seeking students will be required to take the GRE or GMAT, depending on your field of study, in order to be considered for admissions to graduate programs in the United States.  You should not apply for these two exams at this phase of your application.  You will receive instructions on how to apply for these exams after the interview. 

A complete application includes:

  • An application form submitted online
  • A detailed statement of proposed activity
  • A detailed curriculum vitae
  • Three letters of reference

The following documents should be scanned and attached to your online application. Documents should be scanned into PDF and each scanned document may not be bigger than 2 MB.

  • A copy of bio page of your passport
  • A copy of your B.A. or M.A. degree or a letter confirming enrollment in a Ph.D. program, as well as a translation of the degree or letter into English, if applicable.
  • A letter from your employer confirming employment, if you are employed.
  • Any optional supplementary documents.

Application forms and instructions on how to fill out your application can be found at: https://apply.embark.com/student/fulbright/international/20/or http://fulbright.state.gov/ 

For additional information please contact:
Gazmend Ilazi
Educational Affairs Assistant
Public Affairs Office
e-mail: Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. 
Phone: 389-2-310-2099

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