Искуство на студент од Шпанија во Северна Македонија

Студент од Шпанија го споделува своето искуство на УГД. Кристиан Коусеиро помина еден семестар на УГД како дел од програмата ЕРАЗМУС, а инаку е студент на Универзитетот „Коруња“ во Шпанија. Сведоштвото ви го пренесуваме во целост.

My name is Cristian Couceiro, a Spanish student from the University of A Coruña who has completed his Erasmus year at the UGD, North Macedonia. This experience, each and every one of us has helped us a lot to know this country for my unknown until now and also many other countries.
Despite the fact that our situation was not the best, due to the global pandemic that we have experienced, we have been very lucky that all the teachers were very attentive to us and tried to facilitate everything as much as possible.

Regarding the Erasmus activities of the university, we were fortunate that a dinner was organized, where each one of us, being from different countries, brought typical dishes from our country of origin, which in some way we could meet a little more and know our customs.
One of the places that I liked most in Macedonia was Matka Canyon and Ohrid, some places full of nature, peace and novelty, without a doubt one of the most exotic places I have been and will be in all my life.

Another thing that caught my attention in Macedonian society was its people, always ready to help, to know more about you and in some way not make you feel away from home. Without a doubt, Macedonia is a country that I will never forget, and I hope to return with the people I have been fortunate to meet and enjoy all these experiences this year.

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