НР Кина нуди бесплатен тренинг курс во Кина за пет студенти на УГД

Во изминатите пет години Амбасадата на НР Кина, Владата на НР Кина и проф. д-р Зху Јихе работат на Конкурсот за праќање на студенти од УГД во Кина на кратки тренинг курсеви за студенти од областа на медицината. Студентите од УГД кои ќе бидат избрани ќе можат да изучуваат традиционална кинеска медицина од врвни специјалисти во оваа област во местото Тај Јуан во Кина.

Владата на НР Кина има посебен интерес за УГД и за ширење на традиционалната кинеска медицина во Република Македонија. И оваа година Конкурсот за праќање на CV е до 11.4.2017 год. на е-адреса: Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите., а интервјуто ќе се изведува на 13.4.2017 год. во Центарот за традиционална кинеска медицина (во текстилно училиште). Најмалку пет кандидати од Факултетот за медицински науки ќе имаат можност да ја следат наставата, а сите трошоци околу патувањето, сместувањето, визата итн. ги покрива Владата на НР Кина.

Во продолжение повеќе детали поврзани со овој проект.


Project Description


2017 Training Course on Clinical Application of Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion as well as Tuina for Developing Countries


International Exchange Center of Shanxi Provincial Health Department


April26th- June 20th, 2017



Invited Countries

To invite the medical staff (doctors, nurses or related technicians) from the developing countries

Number of Participants

25 participants

Requirements for the Participants


Under 45 for officials at or under director’s level; Under 50 for officials at director-general’s level


In good health with health certificate issued by the local public hospitals; without diseases with which entry to China is disallowed by China’s laws and regulations; without severe chronic diseases such as serious high blood pressure, cardiovascular/cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes; without mental diseases or epidemic diseases that are likely to cause serious threat to public health; not in the process of recovering after a major operation or in the process of acute diseases; not seriously disabled or pregnant.



Capable of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English


The expenses of the family members or friends of the participants will not be afforded by Chinese government

Host City

Taiyuan, Shanxi Province

Local Temperature


Cities to visit


Datong, Xinzhou, Jinzhong, Shanxi Province

Local Temperature

Beijing 3℃-12℃


Xinzhou 1℃-11℃


15℃-20℃ (Average)



About the Organizer

The International Exchange Center of Shanxi Provincial Health Department was founded in 1993. It is an institution engaged in foreign language training for local medical staff and international exchange and project/program development & cooperation under the leadership of Health and Family Planning Commission of Shanxi Province.

With the strong support and concern from both Ministry of Commerce and National Health and Family Planning Commission of the P. R. C. (formerly known as Ministry of Health), our center has consecutively held 74 batches of human resources training programs since 1998. In the past 19 years, our training contents have been expanded from initial Acu. and Mox. & Tuina to various medical fields including the Medical Nursing, the Midwifery, the GP practice, the Health Management, Disease Prevention and Control, the Rural Health Care, Design, Evaluation and Management of Health Project, Blood Bank Facility & Technology, Rheumatic Diseases Treatment with TCM and Western Medicine, Application and Maintenance of Medical Equipment etc. Moreover, we also set up French and Portugal as our training language besides English. By now, we have trained 1833 medical professional staff from 119 developing countries and regions of Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Oceania, and received the unanimous praise of trainees and recognition from their governments.

At present, our center has 12 staff, 3 training bases, 7 bases for clinical practice, 1 living base for domestic trainees and 4 for foreign trainees. In addition, our center has employed more than 10 professors and associate professors concerned to enhance our training capacity.

Seminar Content

    Entrusted by Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C., the International Exchange Center of Shanxi Provincial Health Department will host "2017 Training Course on Clinical Application of Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion as well as Tuina for Developing Countries" from April 26th to June 20th, 2017 in Taiyuan, Shanxi with English as its working language.

The training project mainly covers the following contents: the basic theories of TCM (including the overall concept, syndrome differentiation, Ying Yang theory, the theory of five elements, Zang Xiang theory, Qi, blood and body fluid, the briefing of meridians and collaterals, etc.), the general introduction of Acu. and Mox., the development of the Chinese Acu. and Mox., meridians and acupoints, acupuncture, adults and pediatric tuina. We will also give a detailed explanation on the Acu. and Mox. & Tuina therapy for the commonly-seen and frequently-occurred diseases in clinic.

Training course combines theoretical teaching, demonstration class, clinical practice, academic lectures, discussion, study tour with cultural visit. To help participants better understand and master application of Acu. and Mox. & Tuina, we will organize participants to visit medical institutions in Shanxi province, which are featured with Acu. and Mox. of TCM.

Through the training course, participants will have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the theories of TCM as well as the therapy of Acu. and Mox. & Tuina, and have a comparatively good grasp on some special diseases which Clinical Acu. and Mox. & Tuina have unique effects on. It will undoubtedly lay a foundation for further study of TCM in future. Meanwhile, discussion with trainees will help us know better about local frequently-occurred diseases, explore actively effective TCM therapies, and enhance mutual exchange and cooperation on Acu. and Mox. & Tuina bewteen Shanxi province and trainees’ countries. We hope that participants will bring back technologies of Acu. and Mox. & Tuina and its treating concept that they have learned in China to their counties, and serve local people’s health with TCM in a better way.


Последен пат изменето на Четврток, 06 Април 2017 13:05
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